Carrie Ann Ryan’s Blog Hops — Autumn’s Harvest Coming Soon

I’ve just joined Carrie Ann Ryan’s blog hop site. She organizes blog hops for romance authors what looks to be every few weeks. For the upcoming Autumn’s Harvest Blog Hop, I was the 201st author to sign up, and the list included some big names. I’m looking forward to this, as I’ve been thinking about ways to be more “out there.” So this should be a fun chance to participate with a bunch of other authors.

Here’s the list of authors participating so far. Hop around and meet some new people. 🙂

About J.R. Pearse Nelson

J.R. Pearse Nelson is a fantasy and romance writer from Oregon, USA. She lives with her husband and two daughters among the plentiful trees and clouds of the beautiful Willamette Valley. J.R. is always searching for the magic in our world. She weaves tales rooted in mythology, bringing legend to life in modern-day and fantasy settings. J.R. is the author of the Of the Blood fantasy romance series, the Foulweather Twins fantasy series, and the Water Rites fantasy series. You can connect with J.R. and learn more about her fiction at her website. Visit

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