Own Your Writing Career: Celebrate Your Successes

Look…here’s the thing. Many people who say they want to write, never actually set pen to the page, or fingers to the keyboard, or voice to the recorder. They talk about writing, but they never actually accomplish any writing.Own Your Writing Career

If you have written a book, completely, start to finish, then this puts you FAR ahead of the pack. You did what most wanna-be writers never accomplish.

Celebrate this success. The first time it feels monumental. Do something to mark the occasion. Hell, go big and throw yourself a party if you want to.

But get back at it — because writers are people who write, they aren’t people who have written.

If you’ve written several books, you’re a WRITER. You’ve legitimately earned that title. It isn’t just a one-off, bucket-list thing for you. Writing is a big part of your life on a regular basis.

That puts you far ahead of the FRONT of the pack.

Celebrate! Not only did you write your first book, but you kept on going. You’re a better writer now than you ever could have imagined when you wrote your first book. You’ve met a few new fear-beasties, and let them have it. You are a champion!


…And then get back to work!!!

Hehe. I love to say that. And I live it, so I get to say it. 🙂

Seriously, though — there are aspects of our writing careers that we need to acknowledge and celebrate. It can be too easy to get mired in all of the ways we feel behind. Don’t do that to you — make sure you take time to count your wins.

Celebrate! You Are Winning! You Are Doing It!

You set a huge goal for yourself — probably years ago. And since then, with each passing season you’ve grown into a better writer. You’ve conquered challenges you couldn’t even see around the bend when you set out. You realize now that you can take on more than you thought. You are WINNING at this writing thing. You are doing what so few are able to do.

Celebrate! You’re Still a Functioning Human Being!

I’m writing this series for people who struggle with balancing their writing career and goals and their own well-being. I think that includes most of us at one point or another. I have been there, too, and I still occasionally visit the unbalanced side. It’s important to acknowledge that to be a happy, thriving person, you need more than a writing life. You need a life. Celebrate when the writing feels good. Celebrate getting away from your writing, too. Celebrate that you are a whole, living, thriving being. Bask in the enjoyment of simple pleasures. Celebrate life!

Celebrate! There Are So Many Choices! Now Which Ones Are Right for You?

We live in the best time in history for writers. There are so many ways to be read at this stage of the digital revolution. Worldwide, the growth in opportunity is absolutely astounding. Now that you’re writing regularly, you have choices. Celebrate that we have so many different routes open to us today. Celebrate that you can do this writing thing your way. You don’t have to jump on anyone else’s bandwagon. However, if that particular wagon looks great next year, celebrate that you can switch rides at any time.

The idea of having so many choices can feel overwhelming — but try not to get lost there. As long as you keep producing new works, your options continue to expand. You can always try something new next month or next year, or with the next book.

Since the ideas of choice and opportunity…and success… are so filled with perceived pressure, that’s going to be the topic of my next Own Your Writing Career post.

For now, take time to count your wins, and celebrate your successes. Know that as you keep on working, you’ll be able to look back and take stock of your growth as a writer, season by season and year by year. There’s an inspiring thought for you. 🙂

For a full list of Own Your Writing Career posts in the order they were written, visit my Writers page. I’ll be back with another Own Your Writing Career post next Thursday. Until then, happy writing!!

“Own Your Writing Career: Celebrate Your Successes” copyright © 2015 by J.R. Pearse Nelson

About J.R. Pearse Nelson

J.R. Pearse Nelson is a fantasy and romance writer from Oregon, USA. She lives with her husband and two daughters among the plentiful trees and clouds of the beautiful Willamette Valley. J.R. is always searching for the magic in our world. She weaves tales rooted in mythology, bringing legend to life in modern-day and fantasy settings. J.R. is the author of the Of the Blood fantasy romance series, the Foulweather Twins fantasy series, and the Water Rites fantasy series. You can connect with J.R. and learn more about her fiction at her website. Visit jrpearsenelson.com.