Sunday Update: Chaos Calling Released Yesterday!

My first goal for the spring was to publish the second novel in my Foulweather Twins fantasy series. DONE!

Chaos Calling is out now. One more book to go in the series. I’ve also thought of a possible spin-off series, but I’m not committed to it at this point. Fun choices for a writer — which story do I tackle next? Of course, when I ask that question I’m usually talking about next year (or three years from now), because this year is already booked. (Word play, anyone?)

I haven’t done as well on my second goal for the spring, which is writing the fifth and final novella in my Children of the Sidhe fantasy romance series. I had been tinkering with it as final edits for Chaos Calling continued, to the tune of just a few thousand words over a couple of weeks. Then I hit a mental stumbling block about a week ago. My characters are in a fix, and I don’t quite know how to get them out without being lame. Ha! Writer problems. Now that Chaos Calling is published, I’ll have more time and energy for this book. I’ll still be able to finish the first draft in May.

My third goal for the round is getting out with friends. I’ve done well with this in April! We went to the coast with a huge group of friends, to celebrate one couple’s baby shower. Having all of the families together was absolutely AMAZING. Some great memories. And Friday night I answered the summons of a girlfriend and hit up a fabulous restaurant for appetizers and cocktails. More to come. I have a bunch of ladies I need to schedule dates with. 🙂

I’m enjoying the spring time, bouncing between lovely warm days and torrential downpours here in Oregon. I swear we get some of the BEST days in the spring. I’m a moderate-weather, Oregon girl. I like mid-seventies, and rarely see it. lol

What are you most looking forward to as the weather warms up?

About J.R. Pearse Nelson

J.R. Pearse Nelson is a fantasy and romance writer from Oregon, USA. She lives with her husband and two daughters among the plentiful trees and clouds of the beautiful Willamette Valley. J.R. is always searching for the magic in our world. She weaves tales rooted in mythology, bringing legend to life in modern-day and fantasy settings. J.R. is the author of the Of the Blood fantasy romance series, the Foulweather Twins fantasy series, and the Water Rites fantasy series. You can connect with J.R. and learn more about her fiction at her website. Visit

3 comments on “Sunday Update: Chaos Calling Released Yesterday!

  1. Awesome news on the release, and the lovely place of choosing what’s next! I always have so many, it’s not that often that I’m in that position!

    Oregon springs are beautiful. I married an Oregon boy, and we’ve lived there twice.

    When the weather finally warms for real here in upstate New York, I’m looking forward to going for walks, taking the kids to playgrounds and parks, reacquainting myself with my long-neglected bicycle, gardening, and just playing around in the yard. Until then, I do have the spring cleaning bug! =)

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