The Power of Introverts

Writers and other creative types, if you’re anything like me, you need to check this out. My husband introduced me to this TED Talk by Susan Cain on The Power of Introverts. He said I had to watch it because she was totally talking about me. I think she’s talking about a lot of us writers.

Take my recent hiatus as an example. Sometimes I just need to “go into the wilderness” of my own mind. In our Twitter-driven world, I often feel guilty for that, though it’s absolutely what my creative self needs if I’m to get any actual writing done at all. Or be happy. And I like to be happy. 🙂

If these quotes from her presentation appeal to you, check out Susan Cain’s TED Talk on the Power of Introverts.
Solitude is a crucial ingredient to creativity.
We’ve known for centuries about the transcendent power of solitude, it’s only recently we’ve begun to forget it.
There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.

About J.R. Pearse Nelson

J.R. Pearse Nelson is a fantasy and romance writer from Oregon, USA. She lives with her husband and two daughters among the plentiful trees and clouds of the beautiful Willamette Valley. J.R. is always searching for the magic in our world. She weaves tales rooted in mythology, bringing legend to life in modern-day and fantasy settings. J.R. is the author of the Of the Blood fantasy romance series, the Foulweather Twins fantasy series, and the Water Rites fantasy series. You can connect with J.R. and learn more about her fiction at her website. Visit

1 comments on “The Power of Introverts

  1. Unfortunately, her book is not so good. Her book is mostly about how introverts can blend in with extroverts which goes completely against what she talks about. I reviewed her book on my blog.

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