Own Your Writing Career: No Pressure. Seriously.

There are more critical things to worry about in life than your writing career. This might be a crazy turn to take in a series called Own Your Writing Career….but follow me for a second. I bet you’ve noticed that lots of what this series covers is how to keep your head screwed on straight […]

Own Your Writing Career: Celebrate Your Successes

Look…here’s the thing. Many people who say they want to write, never actually set pen to the page, or fingers to the keyboard, or voice to the recorder. They talk about writing, but they never actually accomplish any writing. If you have written a book, completely, start to finish, then this puts you FAR ahead […]

Own Your Writing Career: Plan for Life to Happen

Yep, it’s happened again. I’m full stream in the middle of completing some of the largest goals I’ve ever set for myself, have multiple projects lined up out toward eternity…and life chooses now to remind me that I am a mortal human with physical needs, and with two children who ALSO have physical needs. Oh, […]

Own Your Writing Career: Finish What You Start

I have to tell myself this one A LOT. I love the bright and shiny, and I have little self control. 🙂 You have to finish what you start. Writers write, yes…but writers also must FINISH writing, and get their work out into the world. This can be really tough the first few go-arounds. Talk […]

Own Your Writing Career: Make YOUR Art (Your Way)

There is no correct way of writing fiction. (Duh!) If there was, creative writing classes would be a whole lot more concrete. There is no right way, and every way will take practice to get great at it. But here’s the cool thing, the one thing that will always keep me coming back to writing […]

New Website!

…which you know, because you’re here! 🙂 Welcome to my new home on the web. I’m pretty proud of it — I didn’t think I could build such a gorgeous site, and that just goes to show that you shouldn’t judge your abilities without giving something a shot. If you’re driven to learn something, there […]