Indie Life: Into the Wilderness!!

Indie Life: Into the Wilderness!!

Welcome to Indie Life! This is a chance for indie authors to post about being an independent author, find each other, offer support, encouragement, news, helpful hints. We’re posting the second Wednesday of every month. To join us, go here. I have an admission to make. I’m not the most social of people. I know many other writers […]

Indie Life: Don’t Let the Business Stall Your Creativity

Indie Life: Don’t Let the Business Stall Your Creativity

…Or so I tell myself! Welcome to Indie Life! This is a chance for indie authors to post about being an independent author, find each other, offer support, encouragement, news, helpful hints. We’re posting the second Wednesday of every month. To join us, go here. Sometimes that indie author to-do list gets long enough you could paper […]

Tribute FREE on Amazon!

Tribute FREE on Amazon!

I’m happy to announce that my paranormal romance novella Tribute is currently FREE on Amazon!  Tribute is a fae-filled paranormal romance, an action-packed romp to the Otherworld, and beyond. Hazel Fintan is the reluctant daughter of the Irish love god, Aengus. She’s never cared for her father’s world, especially its men. So who could expect her […]

The Roots of My Foulweather Twins

The Roots of My Foulweather Twins

Stories develop in strange and convoluted ways, and each is unique. At least, that’s how it is for me. 🙂 I have long found the idea of twins intriguing. I was never close to a twin, so I didn’t have a first row seat to watch the dynamics between twins play out. However, from what […]

For Writers: Snapshot of Publication Day

All of us go about things differently, but I thought it might be useful for a writer just branching out into ebook publishing to know just what I do as a self-published author on a publication day. Honestly, it’s been long enough since I published a new book that I needed a refresher myself. Here’s […]

Mid-Week Update: A Day Late & Hours Short

It is bound to be a busy few days — from now through Sunday. I’m working a half-day tomorrow, and my mom-in-law is coming to play with the children in the morning while I work. Then all of the sibs on that side are coming for dinner Friday night. Saturday we’re throwing a birthday party […]

Sunday Update: Beta Readers, Attack!

I sent Queen Witch to three beta readers on Monday. One of them wrote me back with incredibly helpful comments on the first four chapters the very next day, and another returned the entire manuscript with her comments late last night. I am very excited to hear more about what the others think, pore through […]

For Writers: What Does Editing Mean to You?

After my last post, a reader asked about editing. Specifically, what advice do I have for writers who have finished a book, but are stuck at the first edit? Other writers, please chime in by leaving a comment, or write your own post on the topic and let me know; I’ll add a list at […]