Tending Your Writer Garden: the Old & the New

Tending Your Writer Garden: the Old & the New

Spring is a time of growth, and this spring has seemed especially so. It may be that I’ve been settled in this home, and in some new life roles (namely, motherhood), for just about six years now. Long enough for roots to deepen and thrive. Here’s one of my gardens now. Mostly strawberries and hostas; […]

Sunday Update: Descent to Beta Readers

Sunday Update: Descent to Beta Readers

Thanks to hubby’s help and a fall festival at a local nursery, I had the house all to myself for a few hours yesterday. I tackled the remaining edits on Descent, the fourth Children of the Sidhe novella, and shipped it off to beta readers. Finally!! Over the course of the week, I wrote 3,300 […]

Mid-Week Update: Time to Prioritize

There are some stretches of life that burst at the seams with to-do lists, calendar items, and event after event after event. For me, this is one of those stretches. The next six weeks are bound to be incredibly hectic. I knew this was coming. The timing of several fairly major things was uncertain until […]

For Writers: Don’t Let Fear Stop You

You’re better than that. Fear seems to be an ever-present bedfellow of the writer, but that doesn’t mean it has to control you. Instead, learn to cozy up to your fears, figure out what makes them tick, and then kick them unceremoniously to the curb. Here are some ways fear has worked its tendrils into […]