Own Your Writing Career: Celebrate Your Successes

Look…here’s the thing. Many people who say they want to write, never actually set pen to the page, or fingers to the keyboard, or voice to the recorder. They talk about writing, but they never actually accomplish any writing. If you have written a book, completely, start to finish, then this puts you FAR ahead […]

Mid-Week Update: Back to Shield

I swear, I’m back to writing the book I’m supposed to be focused on! 🙂 A few weeks ago, I entered a stalling phase on Shield, the final Children of the Sidhe novella. It was all going so well, and then the fear got ahold of me. The FINAL book in a series. With all […]

Mid-Week Update: Stalling Tactics

I’ve been avoiding my major writing project for more than a week now. Shield is two-thirds written, and it’s pretty typical of me to get stuck about here. So wish me courage and a little get-up-and-go on that one. 🙂 Does that mean I haven’t been writing? lol. No! I’ve been writing plenty. I’ve started […]

Sunday Update: Good Writing Week!

Sunday Update: Good Writing Week!

I was on vacation last week, and it shows in my word count. 🙂 Monday through Wednesday I was at a little cabin up in the woods with my two daughters and our dog (poor hubby had to work. Like LOTS of work.). The girls and I hiked, had movie night, and just played around. […]

Sunday Update: Finally Rocking Shield!

It’s been quite a week for this fantasy writer. I released a novel last weekend, and then took a couple of days off from writing. But after a couple of days, I got really excited about my next big project — the one that moved into “primary writing project” stage when I hit publish and […]

Sunday Update: Chaos Calling Released Yesterday!

My first goal for the spring was to publish the second novel in my Foulweather Twins fantasy series. DONE! Chaos Calling is out now. One more book to go in the series. I’ve also thought of a possible spin-off series, but I’m not committed to it at this point. Fun choices for a writer — […]

ROW80 Round Two Goals

ROW80 Round Two Goals

It’s a stunner that April has arrived and it’s now time to dash into Spring like mad hares on the chase…  I’m not giving in utterly to this feeling, with other parts of life to attend to as well. My cup is overflowing in what feels like all areas of life at the moment. Last […]

Sunday Update: Finished Chaos Calling Yesterday

I can’t believe those words, but they’re true. In the middle of our family rush to put on a birthday party this weekend for the newly minted 5-year-old, my excellent, thoughtful husband sent me out in the world to seek my fortune…I mean to FINALLY FINISH THIS DAMN BOOK. Seriously. The last few scenes of […]